Warner Saint James was a decorated Navy Seal. He was also a brilliant artist. From his imagination, he painted the woman of his dreams; an olive-skinned, black-headed, brown-eyed beauty. But when he hung the canvas in the window of the Key West gallery he had inherited from his late Aunt, a Mafia Capo stormed in the door and demanded to know where the woman in the painting was. He angrily told Warner that the woman in the painting was real and alive. Her name was Olivia DiAngelo, and he'd been searching for her for over ten years.

Warner realized that if this was true, he must have painted the woman from his memory, not his imagination. He had seen her before, but where? He had no idea, but if Olivia DiAngelo was a real live woman and she was hiding from the Mafia, Warner knew he had no choice but to find her somehow... and save her.


The Feel Of The Wind